A Good Horse Has No Color:
Sadly, now out of print
Searching Iceland for the Perfect Horse
Nancy Marie Brown
Review by Sandy
This wonderfully written, beautiful book is the
perfect guide for the U.S. horse enthusiast who has discovered the magic
of the Icelandic horse. While every Icelandic has a magic to it imbued
by 1,000 years of culture and its direct ties to the Viking times and
spirit, not every Icelandic horse will fit the riding style and dreams
of every U.S. rider. These horses are loved because they are different
from what we know: they are self-assured, friendly, beautiful, and
comfortable--but they are different, and building a successful, "joyful"
partnership with an Icelandic horse requires these differences to be
understood and respected. Nancy's chronicle of her own search for the
perfect Icelandic horse--at times hilarious--at times deeply
moving--always insightful-- relays a practical wisdom regarding the
Icelandic horse that only comes from knowledge, personal experience and
astute reflection. It is a tremendous boon, not only to the interest of
the book, but also to Nancy's understanding of the horse that she long
has been a student of Icelandic language and culture.
Nancy's search is almost archtypal for many US riders: middle aged,
novice riders looking for more of a personal experience than they can
get from a weary school horse; and--looking for the almost mythically
beautiful, brave and smooth-gaited horse that will carry them safely
through the most rugged of landscapes. As Nancy discovers, finding the
perfect Icelandic, is not a search for external qualities, like color or
flash, but for qualities of mind and soul. Nancy's insights are not
confined just to the Icelandic horse, but show us clear pictures of the
Icelandic people who live with this horse and who share its geography
and its culture on the most elemental level. Practical and astute, this
is a MUST READ for any American interested in buying an Icelandic horse.
Articulate, romantic, culturally intriguing, this is a MUST READ for
anyone who loves good travel writing.
Joy with Icelandics
and More Joy with Icelandics by Christine
Schwarz. A great compendium of how-to's and what to expect's. From riding
to shoeing, all the practical tips you need to launch your new partnership.
The Sagas of the
Icelanders Penguin Books Collection. Reviewed by Tim
Page of the Washington Post, who writes, "a palpable and towering accomplishment
that remains forever inexplicable...what a dark, mysterious richness there is to
If you read German, there
is a full compendium of literature on riding and training the Icelandic horse:
10 Wege zum Besseren T lt by Walter Feldmann
Islandpferde-Reitschule, Das Spiel mit dem Gleichgewicht by Reynir
A alsteinsson and Gabriele Hampel
Gledingar, die
Andere Reitlehre by Anke Schw rer-Haag and Thomas Haag